Gordon Busbridge Ltd

01323 730637
01424 420368

About Us
Just a Snippet of our illustrious history

Gordon Busbridge proudly serving St Leonards and East Sussex for over 100 years.
Established by our founder John Busbridge on the 23rd October 1911 at the corner of London road and North road, St Leonards on Sea, from where we still proudly serve the people of East Sussex and the South East of England.
With only ten pounds in working capital he used the furniture from his own home to put in the widow to gain his first sales and undertake deliveries by way of a handcart.
He used to say he had built the business up on chalk, as his practice of creating rhymes which he chalked on the windows and later his blackboard outside, caught the attention of and amused thousands of passer-by’s, thus ensuring a steady flow of customers.
John Busbridge was widely respected by all who knew him. After the Second World War in 1946 he passed the then flourishing business over to his son Gordon (John Gordon) Busbridge in exchange for Gordon’s house “Coniston” in Westfield lane.
The business subsequently developed from the corner shop of the pre First World War years to a full-scale comprehensive furniture store occupying five premises over four floors. The enlargement and modernization is a tribute to Gordon Busbridge, who not only visualized the new growing out of the old, but also personally worked on every aspect of the reconstruction.

From Gordon the company then passed to his two sons Christopher and John together with son-in-law Peter Deeprose who have all now retired having seen the business grow over a number of decades into the modern store it is today.
In the family tradition of the company, the fourth generation great grandsons Mark and Richard Busbridge continue to run the family business to this day. With more than 70 years’ experience in the furniture industry between them, they are not only more than capable of managing the stores, but leading Gordon Busbridge into a bright future.
They not only have many exciting ideas for the company’s future, but also how they will ensure that its tradition of service quality and reliability will continue for many years to come, assisted as always by their loyal and knowledgeable staff.
This pledge was highlighted during the refurbishment of the store frontage when the original shop fascia was discovered complete with the motto “ Noted for quality and satisfaction” ( see adjacent photograph ) a pledge Gordon Busbridge Ltd are proud to be living up to over 100 years later.
On April 28th 1990 the company expanded and opened a new store in Eastbourne. Originally developed as a very successful Schreiber fitted kitchen and bedroom studio, this store has been subsequently enlarged on two separate occasions and now features a comprehensive selection of furniture taken from the very best the main store has to offer.